Address: 64 Potong Pasir Ave 1
Project styling: Contemporary Dark

The Tre Ver condominium is located deep in the potong pasir district. When I was in discussion with the homeowners, their instructions were straight-forward. Seemingly that they has already considered the design aspects and sought out agreement between themselves. They wanted a contemporary look, with inclusivity of black and white fittings. The condominium developer has already provided most of the practical needs in the unit. Whereas, my project sits mostly in styling the apartment. The aim was also not too build too much structures that clutters the home. The space should look spacious because it will give the homeowner allowance the “grow”. With 3 children, most of the spaces are utilised for their enrichment programs; for example pianos, computer table, book shelves.

Homeowners Difficulties ~
I faced challenges along the way. There are no other storage area for homeowner’s items as they have already sold their previous home. They have already filter down to this amount of furnitures and they are kept at the living room. My worry are the contractors entering and exiting. Sometimes they can be careless and rough with their movement, causing damages to the products. However at times in renovation, we’re constrained with these risks, and the only solution is to minimise them. The best I could was to wrap these items in plastic sheets and do writings on paper to warn contractors. On top of that, I made sure every contractor was notified before entering.
Homeowners Difficulties ~
I faced challenges along the way. There are no other storage area for homeowner’s items as they have already sold their previous home. They have already filter down to this amount of furnitures and they are kept at the living room. My worry are the contractors entering and exiting. Sometimes they can be careless and rough with their movement, causing damages to the products. However at times in renovation, we’re constrained with these risks, and the only solution is to minimise them. The best I could was to wrap these items in plastic sheets and do writings on paper to warn contractors. On top of that, I made sure every contractor was notified before entering.
I faced challenges along the way. There are no other storage area for homeowner’s items as they have already sold their previous home. They have already filter down to this amount of furnitures and they are kept at the living room. My worry are the contractors entering and exiting. Sometimes they can be careless and rough with their movement, causing damages to the products. However at times in renovation, we’re constrained with these risks, and the only solution is to minimise them. The best I could was to wrap these items in plastic sheets and do writings on paper to warn contractors. On top of that, I made sure every contractor was notified before entering.

Nonetheless, Tre Ver has a unique structure that stands out in potong pasir. Unlike other condominiums, it doesn’t have an underground basement carpark and it doesnt have a large fountains at its entrance. The funny thing is that it feels more futuristic due to this differentiation, as though fountains and basement carparks are like
insignificant fluffs afterall. On the other hand, the design focuses more on the shapes of the structures, even for its swimming pool!

Building Partitions
After removing the existing wardrobe, we realised that there are portions that wasn’t completed by the developers. Such as the floor skirting and inner wall aren’t plastered nicely. These things were to reinstate so that the coming carpentry installation can be successful. We did up an arch wall at the corridor entrance too, to a give a soft touch to the living / dining area.

Ceiling works
The developer has already installed the false ceiling for the whole house. However it is important to do further checks on the internal aluminum frames and plywood. It is to ensure the blinds and laundry rack to be installed correctly.
Moving forward, homeowner has contact with Wallhub and chose a few pieces of wallpapers to
mount up in their home. Here are the final outcomes!